ECM cloning/bench flash services.

ECM cloning/bench flash services.
This product is a ECM cloning/recovery service. YOU ARE NOT RECEIVING A PHYSICAL ITEM FROM US. For the service to be performed, YOU MUST SEND US YOUR ECM,OR PURCHASE A NEW ONE FROM US. We can take your CM Cummins ECM and reprogram vin, and security keys (if applicable). Send us the computer you want us to transfer the data to, along with a replacement unit,or readout from the factory ECM. THIS SERVICE ONLY INCLUDES THE PROGRAMMING/cloning on New and used ECMs. It does not include any vin licences, or credits if needed.
This service applies to: CM845, CM846, CM848, CM849, CM2100, CM2200, CM2350, CM2450.
If a replacement is needed, we can assist you in finding one, however if we are providing the unit, there will be an additional cost.
We do not physically open/repair the ECU. We will try to Reboot/reflash on the Bench. If the ECM is non recoverable the fee charge is non refundable.
*Please include a copy of the vin and a return label for the ECM in the box.